I planned out my trailer to be persuasive and descriptive without providing too much details. I created my trailer using iMovie. Creating a trailer using iMovie was challenging and it took awhile for me to finally get the hang of it. I wouldn't suggest to use this tool unless you have worked with it before and have had an efficient amount of practice using it. Creating my trailer enhanced my knowledge of using iMovie. The images I used are free of copyright violations as I downloaded them from websites that contain free, useable images. After I finished creating my trailer, I uploaded it to YouTube. Here is my trailer.
I first learned new presenting tools that I can use in my own classroom. Each project I complete using a digital tool, my learning of integrating technology in classrooms increases. I really liked the idea of creating movie trailers for students to pique interest and grab their attention. In my classroom, I will create trailers when I introduce a new book to the students. Many of my classmates used Animoto and their trailers looked great. I will use that and iMovie. Teaching with trade books enhances learning. It gives students better understanding of the content as they are provided with different ideas that teachers may not have pointed out to the students. Teaching with trade books also integrates science and literature. Students' reading and comprehension skills and knowledge of specific science topics increases as they are reading a trade book. There are so many benefits of teaching with trade books as it connects reading and science. Students can get a lot out of this and I will teach with trade books in my own classroom whenever students need to get better understandings of specific science content.