Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What are the Different Types of Assessments?

It is very important to assess students to make sure that they are learning and the lessons are educational to them. Assessing students isn't just about providing them with quizzes and tests; it's so much more! When assessing students, teachers should get the students involved in the topics to demonstrate learning. It also is important to give students a variety of assessments to have the students learn how to apply the skills and their understanding during and after the lessons. When assessing students, you need to figure out when you want to assess them: before learning, during learning, or after learning. There are three types of assessments that teachers should give to students: diagnostic assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment.

The 3 Types of Assessment 

1. Diagnostic/ Pre-assessment

Diagnostic assesses the students' prior knowledge of a topic before the unit is taught to them. This assessment informs the teacher of what the students know or don't know about a topic. 

Some examples of diagnostic assessments include

2. Formative Assessment

Formative is an ongoing assessment that is provided during a unit. This is an assessment for learning that measures the students' progress and how they feel about the lessons. It also let's teachers know if the students are understanding the material. This is also used to assess the quality of the teacher's instruction to make sure his or her lessons are successful in helping the students learn. 

Some examples of formative assessments include:
      exit cards
      in-class activities 
      journal entries

3. Summative Assessment 

Summative is a cumulative assessment given at the end of a unit. It is an assessment of learning that demonstrates the students' final understanding of the topics learned in the unit. 

Some examples of summative assessments include: 
      unit tests
      performance tasks
      final projects

What Forms of Assessments will I Use in Fieldwork?

When teaching during fieldwork, I want to make sure the students are assessed many times to test what they know, their progress when learning, and what they learned after learning. Together, as a class, we constructed a pre-test to see what they already know about our topics. This will help them gather prior knowledge about our topic, which is Aquatic Ecosystems. After we have finished teaching all of our lessons, we will create a post-test as a class. 

When teaching my lesson with my group members, I would want to use exit cards. I like the 3-2-1 exit tickets that have students give 3 facts they learned, 2 questions they still have, and 1 opinion they have about the lesson. This can assess what the students learned from that lesson as well as the quality of the lesson. 

During our lessons, we will have the students work in groups. I will want to use self-evaluations and peer-evaluations after they finished working in groups. This will encourage students to work as a team with their classmates and also perform their assigned part of the activity. They can assess themselves of how well they worked as a team, what each group member's contribution was, and how they can improve next time. I like the worksheet provided below. 

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