Tuesday, May 3, 2016

"We Don't Learn By Doing, We Learn By Reflecting on What We've Done."

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Throughout this course, Dr. Smirnova encouraged us to reflect on our performances as well as our classmates' performances. At first, I didn't know exactly how to give an effective reflection or the importance of reflection. As the semester comes to an end, I feel as if my reflecting has improved. I never really saw how reflection can impact us until now. To help us reflect on our classmates' performances, Dr. Smirnova, gave us a helpful way to write out our reflections. She provided us with a "3 plusses and 1 wish" format where we provided 3 strengths about the performance and one thing that can be improved. I struggled with figuring out what to write but with practice, I felt as if I could identify what went well and what could be improved. 

Image result for reflective teaching
I have reflected many times throughout the course. I have reflected on four peer's blogs, my peer's teaching, my teaching, and my peer's projects. 

Here is the link to my comment on Kelly's blog.
Here is the link to my comment on Keilani's blog.
Here is the link to my comment on Stephanie's blog.
Here is the link to my comment on Sarah's blog.

Here are some examples of my reflections for my peer's teaching. 

Reflection is important in increasing ourselves as future teachers. I feel as if there is always room for improvement and it's important to acknowledge the things that didn't go as well to make sure that we don't make the same mistakes in the future. The best way to truly learn is by reflecting and creating ways to enhance ourselves. When I become a teacher, I will reflect on my performance on my lesson and my teaching to improve my performance next time.

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