Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What Are the Different Models of Teaching?

During week 4, we were in the process of creating our two lesson plans for fieldwork. On Tuesday, our class met virtually where we were learned more on unit planning and what the different models of teaching are. Although we are only teaching two lessons in fieldwork, we are also creating a few other lessons for our unit plans. These other lessons should give a variety of instruction and should include all the models of teaching. Models are approaches to teaching. 

The different models of teaching are behavioral, information-processing, social-interactive, and personal

The Models of Teaching

behavioral: a direct model where students learn as they modify behavior in response to environmental feedback. This includes is direct instruction or mastery learning

information-processing: an indirect model where students develop their processing skills as they make sense of their world. They are assisted in organizing information around them. This includes inquiry learning and problem solving.

social-interactive: an indirect model where students learn as they interact with classmates to exchange ideas. This includes cooperative learning.

personal: an indirect model where each individual must take responsibility for his or her learning as they succeed by understanding the given concepts. Students can show their individual talents. This includes individual projects.

Here is two charts that contains more information on the different models.

I will include all the models of teaching in my unit plan to provide the students a variety of instruction to give them multiple opportunities to succeed!

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