Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Dr. Evans Hard at Work

On the first day of class, we were told to draw a scientist at work and give him or her a name. I decided to draw a male and name him Dr. Evans. In my drawing, he is at a table with many materials on it including test tubes, a microscope, and a flask. I decided to have my scientist work on making a volcano erupt with test tubes in his hands. 

After the class and I finished our drawings, we walked around the room to see what everyone else drew. As I was walking around, I started comparing the drawings. I noticed that almost everyone's drawings had male scientists with names including "Doctor" or "Professor". A lot of drawings included their scientists at a table. Some made their scientists look nerdy with glasses.

It was interesting to see the different stereotypes of scientists in everyone's drawings. This activity opened my eyes to these stereotypes and taught me that anyone can be a scientist. Scientists don't have to be a male or a doctor/professor. This activity can be great for classrooms to teach students that anyone, including themselves, can be scientists and that they don't need to be a doctor or professor to do so! 

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